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Useful tools

Manage Meta Quest

Meta Quest Developer Hub (previously called Oculus Developer Hub)


Meta Quest Developer Hub (MQDH) is the official desktop companion application helping to streamline development on Meta Quest devices.



SideQuest logo


SideQuest is a website and software to get more apps for standalone VR headsets like Oculus Quest, it is a completely safe way to enjoy some cutting edge content in VR and expand the capability of your standalone VR headset. It is a proving ground for developers to validate their content and kick start their communities. SideQuest is completely free for users and developers and always will be and is committed to supporting the VR industry.



It is recommanded to download and use the Advanced Installer. It will not request to use an account and give some extra tools to manage the headset

Debug Meta Quest

OVR metrics

OVR logo store


OVR Metrics Tool is a performance monitoring tool for Meta Quest headsets that provides various performance metrics, including frame rate, heat, GPU and CPU throttling values, and the number of tears and stale frames per second.


Every monitors are not available out-of-box and two commands have to be ran in the headset. To do so, it is recommanded to run adb command using SideQuest.

Enable memory (RAM) profiling

adb shell setprop debug.oculus.enableLifeMemoryProfiling 1

Enable GPU profiling

adb shell ovrgpuprofiler -e