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Step 2: Creation of the Unity basic game

Creation and setting of the project

To start the creation of the Unity game, a first step consists in cloning or just downloading the Simple template Unity and add it in the Unity Hub (Unzip the file and add the contents of the "Unity Template" folder to the Unity Hub). You can then open it.

The first step consists in creating a new scene. In our case, we want to have a “decision maker” view from the sky. We will then create a new scene using the "Main Scene - Sky View Player" template. To create such a scene, first choose "New Scene" in the "File" Menu.

New Scene

Then select the "Main Scene - Sky View Player" template.

Main Scene - Sky View Player

Game manager settings

An important point to note concerns the tags used in the model, particularly those sent with the geometries: these must have already been defined in the Unity project. To define a new tag, just inspect any game object in the scene, then in "Tag", select "Add Tag". Then click on the "+" at the end of the tag list and define the new tag.



In this tutorial, we will just add a new tag called "road" for the road agents.



In this tutorial, we'll be using the a game object to represent the player, which allows the player to move horizontally with the right joystick and vertically with the left. We will use the default value for this game object except for the movement speed. We will change the movement speed to make it faster. To do this, inspect the "XR Origin (XR Rig)" game object inside the "SkyViewPlayer" game object and set the "Move Vertical" script speed to 20 and the "Move Horizontal" script speed to 20 and the rotation speed to 10.


Test of the model

The model can be launched in different ways: from a headset/directly from unity in play mode - with/without middleware. The middleware makes it possible to better manage the connections between GAMA and Unity and is mandatory in the context of a multi-player game. It is thus recommended to use it.

all the information about running model can be found here.